Reviewing later. Now, installing. *LOL! It’s not even released in US yet. So, you can guess what type of cd is that*
Okay…reviewing. After for so long.
One word>Disappointed. I thought it’s gonna be fun and VERY different. Somehow, still the gameplay doesn’t really change much. Let me explain from different aspects;
a) Basic needs
: Well, now there’s less needs. Minus “Environment and Comfort”. I also notice that somehow everytime they eat, the meter will full no matter how little the food is.
b) Work:
To work, 3 choices> newspaper/personally go to that particular building and click for jobs/click from map view. You can follow your sims until the targeted building but you cannot see what are they doing. For jobs, there are a number of things you can choose from for them to do during workhours. Eg. “Watch tv in the hall/ Work Hard/ Do Paperworks for Boss…
c) Loading Time:
Only 4/3 loadingsneeded this time > The game, the map, your sims’s house. I can’t really remember. But, of course the best part is that you can run around the town crazily without any loading time.
d) Neighbours:
You can visit your neighbours, provided if that household is around home. You can go into their house and can see everything inside their house. Stealing stuffs is even allowed but it will costs your relationship with that family. You can return the stuffs through mails. Cooking or bathing inside your neighbours’s houses are not allow since your relationship is still very early stage. I haven’t reach “Friend” status yet. I think they allow you to cook using their food if you have a very good relationship with that person.
e) Create-A-Sim:
Here’s one of the things that I’m impressed of. You can customise A LOT!. For example, your sims’s hair. The hair is not just gonna be black/green/blue entirely. But, you can make the hair a combinations of 4 different colours. This works for many things like your clothes, pants and stuffs. Now, you’re able to wear different types of shoes, earrings and stuffs. But, somehow all the clothes look the same from previous Sims 2. Ya, i know you can change the pattern of your shirt.
f) Building a house:
Sorry, I didn’t really get to try that out because I was already bored of the game. Another thing that I'm really happy that you can put your items at diagonals angles and you’re able to put the lamp at the centre of the ceiling although you only have 2-seats sofa on the floor. Something pretty cool for me.
g) Traits:
You can have (I think) 6 different traits/personalities for your sims. Eg. “Evil/Childish/Funny/Clumsy” and so on. Lots of traits to be choose from.
*Sorry, I can’t really explain a lot, I only played for 4 hours. And I didn’t really try out lots of things. Plus, that period of time already bored me. Not sure for the others but I don’t think there’s much of stuffs to do in the game. Pretty much the same for me. Except for few things like Create-A-Sim (major overhaul), loading time and placing items in the house. My advice: Play The Sims or They Play Your Mind! (since you’re so curious to know about it)
Thursday, May 28, 2009 | 0 Comments