SPM Result 2010
Let me straight to the point : I got “boh quality eh” Straight As. 5A+ 4As.
5A+ is for my BI, Math, Add Math, Moral, Sejarah
4As is for BM, Physic, Biology, Chemistry.
Honestly, I didn’t know what i get until I saw my result slip even after they called my name to the stage. I blur blur walked up there and reluctantly hug that headmistress. Totally feeling high at that moment. In fact, I already felt some kind of weird happy feeling the night before. Don’t ask me why because it is a mystery.
Okay la, although I got straight As, I don’t think my As are as “tat chi” as other people’s As. My brother said that himself. I kinda agree with him. Especially my add math. I NEVER! I REPEAT NEVER! get an A for that subject in any school exams. Most of the time I get grade C for it. “An chua pun” I still grateful for what I got since if anyone ask what I get, I can still say the term “Straight As”. I will just say boh quality eh As if that person asks any further.
My brother promised to buy me a laptop if I get good results. Well, boh quality eh As still beat his 5As. So, I’m getting one soon. I can see my parents really happy with that although my mom still “boh geh” because her gum in her mouth is swollen. That’s the reason my parents didn’t come to school with me on that day.
Now, my high feeling is gone. Really headache right now of all the scholarship applying stuffs and where-to-study question. Emo at some point. Been actually feeling this emo feeling since quitted my job in tesco.I really wish I know what’s wrong with me but I can’t.
(Depression/ Stress/ Weird symptoms of high feeling/ Mistakenly eaten some dosage of drugs/ Knew that 2012 movie is true!/ Play maple too much?!)
<---- U choose the answer for me.
Lastly tribute to all my top scorer friends in St. George’s! Congratz to all of u guys!
*Sorry, i stole these pictures from TheStars Website*
Saturday, March 13, 2010 | 0 Comments