New Life (Melbourne Shuffle)
Wednesday, 23 April 2008
Melbourne Shuffle....
Gosh, today I read the Star newspaper and saw this shuffling dancing article. I totally had no idea of what it is at first...until I surf the net and watched tonnes of videos about the shuffling dancing. IT'S ROCKS!!!!! I didn't really feel that fascinated when I first know about hip hop or any other dances. This dance, called as Melbourne Shuffle totally change my perception of dancing and make me feel so eager to learn it.
Xtra:Melbourne Shuffle Tutorials(by BigMilan)
Apekwhuut's Youtube Channel(one of the great Malaysian shuffler)
BigMilan's Youtube Channel
Normally, I'm not much into things related to dancing. Now, I am so want to learn that Melbourne shuffle. Though, it looks almost the same as hip hop, but I like more on this shuffling dancing. I guess I will have to watch more tutorials before I can learn any steps. Even worse, I don't have any basic understanding of dancing because I have never been to any dancing class and my body coordination sucks! Hope to learn something in the end...
Oh, ya! Now, I know I'm so outdated;
Malaysia, the hottest place on the planet outside Melbourne for the Melbourne Shuffle (claimed by this website)I am living in Malaysia and I had no single knowledge about it until I read the newspaper today. Actually, I think Johor Bahru(JB) is the famous place to find this Melbourne Shuffle in my country. Anyway, gotto go now and start practising. God bless me...
3)Sample Video of Basic Shuffle(T-Step)
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