Friday, 22 May 2008
Exam is finished....
After around 3 weeks of 'exam-mining', I am free from the mental torture now. Cheers..!!! I have examined myself more than needed. The last paper today was the Additional Mathematics 2. It was so damn hard. I could hardly do all the questions. Anyway, I just tried, using my own theory. Usually, when I don't know how to answer any of the questions, I will either 'hentam/tembak-la' because I feel it is such a waste not to even try to answer it. Well, you don't know the answer you're about to give is wrong, right? If it's wrong, at least you have tried your best.
Xtra: Top 10 Google Flubs, Flops, and Failures(in slide shows)
Tonnes of works ahead.....
Although I am officially not going to school anymore for these two weeks as the mid-year holiday starts this Saturday and I am going to truant from school tomorrow, but I have a lot of things to settle at home. First, I need to cut out all the newspaper articles for myself(I am an avid newspaper cutter). Then, I need to do all 'left-over' school homeworks. I also have to finish up my own short notes for most of the subjects. The most important thing is I have to(if can...hopefully) finish playing my Hellgate London character which is level 8 now. Sweat....I only have 2 weeks time and I am not even a pro/semi-pro gamer. So, seriously, I don't think I can finish the 50 level game.
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