Total Solar Eclipse
Saturday, 26 July 2008
Partial darkness of the Earth......
On first of August 2008, parts of the Northern Hemisphere will soon see a rare total solar eclipse. Its path will begin in Canada and continue northeast across Greenland and the Arctic, then southeast through central Russia, Mongolia, and China. The eclipse will start around 8:30 a.m. Greenwich mean time in the eastern part of the arc, leading to totality in just under an hour. In a much wider swath of the globe—including northeastern North America along with most of Europe and Asia—people will be able to see a partial eclipse. [ Click here to read more]
Hoping to see...
I hope I will be able to see even smallest part of that eclipse. I have never seen before my eyes a solar nor a lunar eclipse. Since it's on Friday, that means I have to go to school on that day. Moreover, my school will be having "Hari Anugerah"- Prize Giving Day(sory, I don't know how to translate) on that Friday. So, hurray for no studies.
Xtra: Photo Gallery- The Moon
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