Internet-Less Life
Saturday, 30 August 2008
It's been 3 weeks my internet line disconnecting and reconnecting like crazy. I have developed a GREAT "HATRED" - WHATEVER WORD U CALL THEM for this Streamyx/Screamyx/Streemyx. Earlier, there was one technician came but he didn't manage to solve the problem. Then, supposely another technician must come yesterday but he didn't come although my family waited and waited. Just now, my brother called the TMNet/TMNut again and even talked to the manager. My brother scolded the operators and even talked to their manager. The manager just gave another new report no. WTH!! KAU SAI!!!
Hor Ket Sam.....
So, I have nutting to do now. My internet's gone. I can partially say that my life's over without any internet service to use. My motto "Life goes on no matter what happens" can already be thrown away. Maybe, I should add another phrase to it which is "But, Life is (partially) no use anymore without internet". Actually, I can still surf but with request disconnection and it's annoying. I wanna MMO. Now, Maple's having 2X Exp for 1 week le......Hor Ket Sam ar...
Changing for the better future for everyone.....
I called my brother to change to another internet service provider. But, it's expensive and maybe they too have the same problem as the screamyx. I think our PM, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi should allocate some money into overhauling the entire wireless broadband in the whole nation or maybe allocate money for people who wants to create internet service provider company. Now, the Streamyx is like monopolying the internet business in Malaysia. Ridiculous!!! That would be the best Merdeka present for everyone. If I got money, I want to create my own internet service company in Malaysia but with a better service and at affordable price so that, every Malaysian can enjoy wireless broadband.
I'm so frustrated. I don't think I wanna blog anymore from now on. Maybe, I will post when there's something special or when I have the mood time or when my internet is fixed. Wish me the best. Before I sign off;
OH ya, nice stuffs from this website, Free Streamyx Sucks Banners:
I like all the banners, especially the last one, LOL!...
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