Cyber Olympic
Sunday, 7 September 2008
Yesterday, I went to Tabitha's church for a "cyber olympic" event. Actually, you and everyone else just have to compete each other in a cyber game, either from PS2, Xbox or a Wii platform. So, they got all three platforms over there. Tabitha fetched me there together with Natalie and Tabitha's cousin, her name was something like Tze Tsian (sory, don't know how to spell). A lot of people didn't come because it was raining heavily yesterday, including Ashley(hm....), Wismen (no transport), Adeline(cannot come), Stephanie(don't know why) and Fion(lazy).
First-time playing Wii....
Anyway, there were not many people at the Gospel Hall too. First, we find for our own partner and register our name. Me and Tab was the first team playing Wii. We started playing Boxing first. THE GAME WAS SO KENG!!! You just need to move your hands and the avatars in the game will fight according to your movement. HAHAHA!!! IT WAS HILARIOUS looking at us playing. Anyway, I won over Tabitha. But, I lost the second round to May Lyn. I was too enjoyed playing the game. I guess if Ashley("Judo Master") did come, she might punched the screen until "pecah" or terus kill my avatar.
Wii Trailer(very nice)
The people in this video are not us. But, this is almost the same as we play time....
The Wii Boxing Game itself
So, after that I went to play to Dance game(don't know what's the name). There is a dance mat connecting to the PS2, if I'm not mistaken. So, practically you just need to move your legs following the arrow on the screen. Haiya, I'm sure you all know this game. I totally suck at this game. Always getting "Boo!!" scores. Tabitha was better. She can dance on it. If Janice comes, I think she will scores better than us as I always think her Chinese" fan dance" is good.
Eg. of a Dance Mat
Next to Xbox.....
Then, Tabitha invited me to play football on Xbox. I noticed that the Xbox controller is almost the same as PS2 controller, just that it really looks cooler and much bigger because I think you can put a card game in that Xbox controller. I don't even know how to play the football game, just kicking there and here. Fortunately, the game has no referree. So, you can play "how-ever" you like, with no rules at all!
After playing boxing on Wii, we then play tennis. I didn't know that you can have 4 players in that game and there are 4 controllers for Wii?!? Hehe...I was better playing that game. I somemore went into the finals. Though, I lost the finals to some pros. But, I think the game was much easier compared to boxing as it reacts much faster than boxing. This means that in boxing, you need to move your hand slower or not it won't detect your movement. In tennis, you can swing as fast as you want and still, it can detect the directions of your movement.
Wah, immediately after that tennis game, I called my parents to fetch me. I heard there was a flood at the entrance of the Mobile petrol station there. Scared cannot go home....Actually, I called my parents a lot of times before that because Tabitha's parents were stucked in a flood in Sungai Ara area. So, in the end her auntie had to fetch them home. By the way, my family was gonna go to Queensbay. I decided to call them to fetch me when they wanna go out time. Luckily, my brother's car managed to get to the Gospel Hall and get me.
In Queensbay....
Actually, my parents wanted to go there to buy mooncakes. So, I decided to follow them or not I won't even think I wanna go there(Sien). I still saw a lot of peoples in Queensbay althought it was still raining at that time, around 7.45pm. So, the first thing we did was to get some FOOD!! My brother "belanja" us eat at the Dave's Deli, the second "koh kap" restaurant I have visited after going to Kim Gary Restaurant in Gurney. For me, it is very "koh kap" already, but not sure for you all. My brother called for us a dish of chicken+smash potato+salad. Very Hor Liau!!! The meat is so smooth and the salad was delicious.... Then, when we wanna go buy mooncakes in Queenbay time, we couldn't find it. So, in the end we went to Sunshine to buy the Kam Lun Tai mooncakes. Luckily, it didn't closed yet. We reached home at around 10pm. I felt so "chuan" after that. What to do....I have a stamina-less body.
Anyway, wanna thanks Tabit for inviting me there and although I didn't really play much, it was enjoyable and get to meet new peoples. Another good practise for socializing.
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