Don't Know What to Write
It's the end of my "online life"...
I don't know what to write for my blog anymore. It's gonna be holiday season. I can be sure at that time, there will be sure no topics to blog about. You guys call me to update, but what to update. Everyday, it's either I go to school or at home.
1. School
Most probably I will sleep all the time. That Thursday, we all just did our Chemistry Peka and I finished up my Sejarah notes which must be passed up for our marks but I didn't pass up to the teacher in the end because I was lazy to walk to the staffroom. After recess, I slept from 12pm to 2pm. Then, I sit the bus and went home. Somemore, nowadays my bus must fetch the ChungLing boys(mata KahMei "terbeliak" and "senyum-senyum sinis" if she hears this) and that means I need to reach home 10minutes late.
2. Home
I usually wake up at 12pm. I eat my brunch( didn't know this word existed) and read the newspaper. After that, I switched on my com and sit in front of it until at night. At 12am, I switched off the com and watch Tv. The movies shown on 411-413 are usually horror/sci-fi at night. So, I watched about 1/2 movies before I go to sleep. But, sometimes my brain can't stand the life anymore and call me go to sleep earlier. And this cycle continues day after day.
So, what do you expect me to blog about? Maybe, I should take a long leave and blog again next year. Oh ya, CONGRATZ to Obama for winning the election. I remembered saw a picture of him talking(/not sure doing what) to a small girl in the newspaper. You can see he's a man full of love for humans just from that picture. I know from that point HE'S THE MAN!
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