A Monitor Who Can’t Even Monitor Herself
1. Elected as a class monitor
That Saturday, January 3 2009 is the day I stood still. How can the class simply elected me as the class monitor?!? There’re like thousands of reason why they should not.
> I’m obviously got some serious hearing problem. What if the soft-speaking teachers called me? Later, I will be blamed for not paying attentions and informing the class about some important stuffs. However, I do believe that I inherited that from my dad. Even, my mom agrees with me.
>Because of the above “advantage”, I’m blur all the time. Having some really hard time understanding people speaking. Eg: teacher was asking me that did we learn the last chapter of chemistry. I answered: “Owh, that solution triangle chapter ar?” I can’t even notice that he is a chemistry teacher, not some Add. Math teacher.
> I’m a hard-core sleeper in the class. I need sleep. Since becoming monitor for like 2 days ago, I hardly have time to even talk to friends. Running everywhere looking for some unknown teachers because I can’t recognise them. Earlier today, I mistaken En. Taufik with En. Sa’adan. Just noticed that En. Taufik got a new pair of teeth. Even straighter than mine! Maybe, he’s ready for his marriage soon…
2. Adding a new section
I decided to add a new section into my blog. Since I read a lot of online stuffs, so I wanted to include some daily/not-too-old “interesting” links from technology to weird stuffs. I will just include some only. If you’re still wondering why I spent so much time online, there you know now…
Tech-qi [Gizmodo]
Cools Stuffs [Gizmodo, LiveScience]
Some News [CNN, ComputerWorld]
- Twitter accounts of Obama, Britney Spears hacked
- HP claims new notebook can run up to 8 hours between charges
- Flash wanted on TV screen
Animals [PopSci]
Funny yet awesome [Gizmodo]
Lists [The List Universe]
- Top 10 Gruesome Fairytale Origins --- believe me, you HAVE to read this!
Web [SixRevisions, Megaleecher]
- 35 Basic Tutorials to Get you started with Photoshop
- Bypass Rapidshare ban and automated downloading
- 45 Beautiful Free Fonts for Modern Design Trends
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