Watch These Videos
1. No limit to human capabilities
Thinking of sharing these videos with you guys. I think the people poured in a lot of works just to get these types of video done. Just like how we make sure our never-ending schoolworks done everyday.
Video 1: Her Morning Elegance / Oren Lavie
For fun Facts about the video visit -
Her Morning Elegance
Directed by: Oren Lavie, Yuval & Merav Nathan
Video 2: The Original Human TETRIS Performance by Guillaume Reymond
Video 3: The Original Human POLE POSITION Performance
Video 4: The Original Human SPACE INVADERS Performance
Video 5: The Original Human PONG Performance by Guillaume Reymond
2. School Sports Day Nearing Soon
It’s official, our sports day will end at 5/6pm on next Saturday. Is the next Monday after that a holiday? Anyone knows? Since our school has became a Sekolah Kluster Kecemerlangan aka Cluster “Bright” School, there’re like thousands of changes done to it. Changes are good, but negative changes? No, I don’t think so.
Recently, they forced our choir students to sing on THE STAGE together with us on THE FLOOR during official assembly time. They made us like small little kids who can’t even sing NEGARAKU. Why? Reason: we sing not loud enough every single time. So, our school decided to guide us to sing the we-don’t-know songs and add some “omph” to our overall produced sound.
Our headmistress even announced that we MUST/MESTI/WAJIB/TIUT-BUI be champions in all the language competitions held outside. Eg: debate, choral speaking, public speaking, drama, pidato, forum & etc. This is totally ridiculous to think such a way. Even my parents taught me to not think that we are always the champions or no1. I might forgive her if her parents didn’t teach her that. Don’t tell me she needs our school to be the champion because she scared of the government? Probably, she’s scared of losing that “Cluster School” title to her headmistresses gangs whose teaching other schools?
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