Anwar Taking Over the Government?!

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Monday, 15 September 2008
Lazy to go to school...
I felt like not going to school tomorrow, scared situation in Penang got chaotic. LOL!! What a "good" reason. Surprisingly, many of my friends didn't know that tomorrow is the day where Anwar/PKR might take over the BN Government. Aren't they reading the news in the newspaper of TV? Although, I don't really know the real story behind it, but bottomline, the status of our government is at risk if they do not start to act. Well, that's why I scared that everything will be in chaos and curfew will happen. I hope that do not happen because people will be having difficulty to go out and things like that.

Nuzul al-Quran Day...
By the way, this wednesday is the "Hari Nuzul al-Quran" or also known as Nuzul al-Quran Day. I think in English, it is a day to remember the date where Prophet Muhammad got the first phrase of al-Quran in Hira Cave. Anyway, for us students, IT'S HOLIDAY. That's all we want to know, I guess. Since it's a holiday this wednesday, I feel more to truant from school tomorrow as I will get 2 straight holidays!!
*Got it from Wikipedia*:

"Hari Nuzul Quran adalah merupakan hari memperingati Nuzul Quran (turunnya al-Quran) kepada Nabi Muhamad S.A.W. pertama kalinya ketika baginda sedang berkhalwat di Gua Hira pada malam Jumaat pertepatan pada tanggal 17 Ramadhan iaitu tehun ke 41 hari kelahiran baginda atau pada tanggal 6 Ogos 610M."


Haiz, last minute post. Actually, I already think of not going to school tomorrow. I already "berpakat" not to go with Dianne and Bahirah. Left Denise and Ezza going tomorrow for our class gang. Then, when my mom told my dad that I'm not going tomorrow, my dad for the VERY FIRST TIME advised me not to "ponteng" so many times. Haiz, so "tau tia". Usually, my parents dont' really care about that, but not this time. I feel so guilty to them if I don't go tomorrow. But, SERIOUSLY, I had set my mood to "sleep" mode. There's little chance for me to change my mind right now. So, I will just wake up tomorrow morning and see what happens. 99.9999999% of probability that I'm not going. Watching this video right now to release so-called tension...

Evolution of Dance


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